Tag: TES3MP: Public Servers

28 mods

Scripts that are in use and featured by prominent public servers.

Name Author Category Description
Creature Merchants Respawn Gold Learwolf TES3MP Creature merchants respawn gold when you leave their …
Dawn of Resdayn's Scripts nalal TES3MP Repository for Dawn of Resdayn's scripting.
DiceRolls aelfkin TES3MP Simple AdX tabletop dice rolling system for tes3mp …
Foot Prints urm TES3MP Spawns a trail of invisible objects behind every …
Full Loot urm TES3MP Empties player's inventory on death and spawns a …
IrcBridge mupf, TeamFOSS TES3MP A module to bridge IRC and the in-game …
Learwolf's Scripts Learwolf TES3MP Public scripts for TES3MP server owners.
LiveMap mupf, TeamFOSS TES3MP An TES3MP Live Map to track and interact …
LoginState johnnyhostile TES3MP Set up a specific login state for players; …
Mail System Learwolf TES3MP
  • Send mail to any player that has …
Mannequins Learwolf TES3MP
  • Placeable mannequins that can equip and display …
Moderators Action Menu Learwolf TES3MP A moderators menu GUI that offers various ease …
Multiple Mark And Recall for TES3MP johnnyhostile TES3MP Moves mark and recall spell functionality to chat …
Original Start urm TES3MP Fixes most of the issues related to vanilla …
Player Lobby urm TES3MP Spawns all new characters in a designated lobby …
QuickKeyCleaner urm TES3MP Disallow players from setting certain items as quick …
RealEstate mupf, TeamFOSS TES3MP A module to provide houses buyable by players.
Shutdown Server urm TES3MP Allows you to exit the server in orderly …
StarterKit mupf, TeamFOSS TES3MP Loads up a new player's inventory and spell …
Tes3mp Ecarlate Scripts rickoff TES3MP Script tes3mp for Ecarlate https://morrowindserveurfr.wixsite.com/ecarlates
YAM johnnyhostile TES3MP Yet Another MOTD script for TES3MP.
ccMail Texafornian TES3MP Simple mailbox GUI for TES3MP v0.7.0+
ccSuite Texafornian TES3MP Custom scripts on the TES3MP 0.7.0 server "The …
jcMarketplace JakobCh TES3MP When you're inside a cell you own you …
jrpAnim rendeko (malic) TES3MP GUI for playing animations, with planned sitting/laying and …
menuManager Dagoth Gares TES3MP Making creating and scripting menus much less of …
portableBedroll rendeko (malic) TES3MP Bedrolls can be picked up like an item …
trueDisableAssassins Learwolf TES3MP Control assassin attacks with a configurable level requirement …
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