

Check an openmw.cfg file for:

  • Errors such as typos on data paths, folders that don't exist, or similar mistakes
  • A map of anything in your load order that overwrites files from another earlier load order entry - including a record of specific files that have been replaced
  • Load order conflicts or problems that may be hard to notice in game or otherwise

Very useful for making sure your config doesn't have any unintended problems after setting up a large number of mods.

Supports: Linux, macOS, and Windows. Source code available on GitLab.

An AUR package (for Arch Linux and friends) can be found here.

OpenMW Compatibility:

Usage Info

Did you find any inaccurate information below? Please let us know by opening an issue on GitLab or joining our Discord!

Usage Notes:

This is a command-line program. If you're using mod manager software such as Mod Organizer 2, then you don't need this (it should provide similar functionality as far as seeing what replaces what).

To install and use this:

  • Download the zip using the Download Page link above.
  • Extract the files to any folder path.
    • On Windows, navigate to that folder and Shift+Right-click the folder to open the context menu. Click Open Powershell window here and use the following command: .\openmw-validator
    • On Linux or macOS, open Terminal and cd into the folder you extracted openmw-validator and use the following command (but change the executable name for macOS): openmw-validator-linux-amd64

If all goes well it will report Validation completed, log written to: .... Examine that file for details about the validation.

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