Tools | 16 mods

Tools for doing things and/or making life easier. Not necessarily mods.

Name Author Description
Build-OpenMW johnnyhostile This is a helper script for compiling OpenMW …
Delta Plugin Benjamin Winger

Transcoder for managing a form of markup-based minimal …

Delta Plugin and Groundcoverify Benjamin Winger Transcoder for managing a form of markup-based minimal …
Groundcoverify Benjamin Winger A simple python script which uses Delta Plugin …
MGE XE Hrnchamd

Morrowind Graphics Extender XE; allows Morrowind to render …

MW Mesh Generator Yacoby

This a modders resource that allows a user …

OMWLLF John Melesky This tool is absolutely essential if you use …
OpenMW AppImage OpenMW Contributors A portable Linux executable for OpenMW Launcher, OpenMW …
OpenMW Quick switch between settings napstrike

This is a windows batch script that quickly …

OpenMW Test Script Settyness

This is a startup test script for OpenMW …

OpenMW-ModChecker johnnyhostile

This has been superceded by my new …

Project Atlas Scripts johnnyhostile

Bash script variant of the .bat files that …

openmw-validator johnnyhostile

Check an openmw.cfg file for:

  • Errors such …
tes3cmd John Moonsugar A command line tool to examine and manipulate … johnnyhostile

Export your OpenMW load order to a folder …

waza_lightfixes wazabear This is a tool which generates a plugin …
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