Vanilla friendly creatures and undeads expansion
Vanilla friendly creatures and undeads expansion mod based on some of the great old creatures mods.
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Mod Installation/Setup Info
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Data paths:
C:\games\OpenMWMods\Creatures\Vanillafriendlycreaturesandundeadsexpansion\00 Core
C:\games\OpenMWMods\Creatures\Vanillafriendlycreaturesandundeadsexpansion\02 Daedric creatures drop rebalance
C:\games\OpenMWMods\Creatures\Vanillafriendlycreaturesandundeadsexpansion\03 Summons have 0 soul
Content Plugins:
Creatures_RP_Soulless summons.ESP
MOMW Metadata
Tags: OAAB Data Tamriel DataFeatured in Mod Lists: Expanded Vanilla (#226), Total Overhaul (#369),
Alternative: TriangleTooth's Ecology Mod