Tips: Customizing Mod Lists

!!!! WARNING !!!!

The mod lists on this website are carefully assembled with many patches to ensure things work together. You should only add or remove mods from one of our lists if you know what you're doing and you are reasonably sure that you won't create any conflicts.

Mod list customizations are NOT supported by the MOMW team, you're totally on your own when you customize a list!


The instructions on this page assume you've followed our Automatic Installation Guide and successfully installed at least one mod list that way.

We do not recommend using a load order sorting tool such as PLOX to sort your customized mod list. Such tooling is known to break our carefully-sorted load order and should not be used!

Installing custom mods with umo

The umo mod installation tool supports two ways of installing mods that aren't on a mod list:

  1. Mods not found on (or mods that are not primarily linked to on Nexus) but listed on this website can be added to umo's "custom" list by clicking the "Install with umo" button which can be found on mod detail pages for qualifying mods, for example Abandoned Flat V2
    • Mods installed this way will be placed into the custom directory under your mod base directory. For example, Abandoned Flat V2 would be under mod_base_dir/custom/PlayerHomes/AbandonedFlatV2
  2. Mods found on can be added to umo's "custom" list by clicking on the "Mod Manager Download" button for the mod file you wish to add. For example, (OpenMW) Hit and Miss Percentage Indicators for Combat - click the "Files" tab, then click on the "Mod Manager Download" button. That will open a new page, from there click "Download" to initial the umo download.
    • Mods installed this way will be placed into the custom/umo directory under your mod base directory, they will not be under a category subdirectory as non-Nexus mods are.

Adding custom mods to your load order with MOMW Configurator

The MOMW Configurator tool allows you to define mod list customizations in a configuration file, allowing for repeatable changes to our mod lists in the form of:

These rules should be defined in a file called momw-customizations.toml in the same folder as your openmw.cfg and momw-configurator.toml files. If that file does not already exist, simply create it.

The MOMW Configurator README fully describes all customization options, but we'll show a few examples below.


You can insert a single line like this:

listName = "just-good-morrowind"
insert = "C:\\games\\OpenMWMods\\Gameplay\\GoHome"
after = "AttendMe/AttendMe_1.8"

Or a block of lines like this:

listName = "just-good-morrowind"
insertBlock = """
before = "AttendMe.omwscripts"

The usage of triple quotes (""") is important when doing block insertions!


You can replace lines like this:

source = "MonochromeUserInterface"
dest = "C:\\games\\OpenMWMods\\UserInterface\\ChocolateUI"

To remove the Bethesda and intro videos (the ones that play before the main menu) from Total Overhaul, add the following to your momw-customizations.toml file:

listName = "total-overhaul"
removeFallback = [
  "Movies_Company_Logo,bethesda logo.bik",
Apply Your Customizations

Once you've written customization rules into your momw-customizations.toml file, you can now apply them by running the Configurator as normal:

momw-configurator config i-heart-vanilla
2024/11/16 18:55:51 Welcome to MOMW Configurator v1.8
2024/11/16 18:55:51 Configurating mod list: i-heart-vanilla
2024/11/16 18:55:51 Fetching mod list configs
2024/11/16 18:55:51 Running: openmw-iniimporter
2024/11/16 18:55:51 Writing mod list load order to openmw.cfg
2024/11/16 18:55:51 Applying customizations
2024/11/16 18:55:51 Ensuring recommended values are set in your settings.cfg file
2024/11/16 18:55:51 MOMW Configurator completed: i-heart-vanilla

The Applying customizations part of the log output indicates that your customizations are being used. You can always skip that by using the --no-customizations argument.

Things To Remember