Manual Installation Guide
How do you use this website to manually install mod lists for OpenMW? This page should answer that question and more! Before we begin, though, it's worth noting that you can automatically download and install your mods and save a lot of time. Instructions to automatically download and install a mod list are found here.
Below is a quick, high-level overview of this website's workflow:
- Purchase Morrowind if needed
- Install Morrowind and OpenMW
- Successfully run vanilla Morrowind via OpenMW with no mods or settings changes
- Configure your mod and Morrowind install paths on the site settings page. You can also opt into mods and mod features that require an OpenMW Dev Build
- Choose a mod list (each are listed and described below)
- Run the "folder deploy" script, which will create folders for each mod in your list and any additional folders that might otherwise need to be manually made
- Check out our fully annotated example mod detail page to learn how to read the information on each mod page
- We DO NOT recommend using mod managers like Mod Organizer 2 with this website's mod lists. For basic users, Mod Organizer 2 simply takes more time and effort to set up properly than by just following the instructions on this website. Refer to our Tooling FAQ to read more.
- Begin the mod list you've chosen:
- Go through each mod, one at a time
- Use the
Download Link
to download the mod - Use an archive extractor tool such as 7zip to extract the files to their designated directory provided by the
Data Paths
on each page. - Keep an eye out for any additional files you must download or extra instructions you must follow documented in the
Usage Notes
on some pages - Sometimes a mod's description on Nexus may have different usage information than our usage notes -- please stick with what we advise. This is because many of the mod lists on this website are large and complex and may require different instructions for everything to work together. It is vitally important that you DO NOT enable every plugin from every mod!
- Click on the
Enable For CFG Generator
button after you've installed a mod and move onto the next mod in the list - At any time, you can visit the CFG Generator page to get a customized cfg that matches your progress (handy for testing as you go, more on that below)
- Once you are finished with a mod list, you will be taken to its 'Final Steps' page which will instruct you on using the CFG Generator and also the tools you need to run before you can start playing
- The command-line tools you'll need to use are listed below:
- The mod lists on this website require you to manually clean some plugins with tes3cmd
- One of the final steps will be to run DeltaPlugin to produce a merged objects plugin
- Many of our lists use Groundcoverify to produce a plugin and assets that convert static grass to actual groundcover for a performance gain
- The final command-line tool many of our lists use is S3LightFixes, which tweaks lights in many ways making them more atmospheric (it's also configurable)
- openmw-validator is a tool that's optional, but it will help you catch mistakes in your
file - The usage notes for these tools are all documented on each mod list's Final Steps page
Feel free to refer back to this list if you need a reminder about what to do, and please continue to read more about all of the above.
Table of contents
- Setup Steps
- Set Your Site Settings
- Choose A Mod List
- Folder Deploy Script
- Reading A Mod Detail Page
- Testing Your Progress
- Using The CFG Generator
- Final Steps & Verification
- Known Issues/Common Questions
- Further Reading
- Upcoming Changes
- What's Next?
Setup Steps
One must of course buy a copy of Morrowind and install OpenMW.
Note that Android is not officially supported by the OpenMW project or this website, and that version handles content management differently than every other version, so a lot of what's talked about on this website may not apply.
Once you have Morrowind installed, you will need to decide whether you want to install the latest stable version of OpenMW, or the latest development build. The development build may be in the early stages of development and may have bugs. If you decide to use the development build, however, you can opt-in to several mods that take advantage of the latest features in development. You can find the list of mods that require the development build here.
OpenMW Stable installer instructions:
- For Windows, download the installer for the latest stable release
- Run the installer. It will have you choose the location where you would like to install OpenMW
- Open the OpenMW Launcher located in the folder where you installed OpenMW
- The first time you run the launcher it will start the Installation Wizard. If it doesn't, navigate to the
tab and run the Installation Wizard from there - The installation wizard will have you find your vanilla Morrowind Data Files folder. Also, make sure you import all settings from the Morrowind.ini file when it gives you the option
- Download the latest development build
- Note: This requires the
Visual C++ redistributable
to be installed, and a link is provided underneath - Extract the contents of the
archive to the location where you would like to install OpenMW - Open the OpenMW Launcher located in the folder you extracted the archive
- The first time you run the launcher it will start the Installation Wizard. If it doesn't, navigate to the
tab and run the Installation Wizard from there - The installation wizard will have you find your vanilla Morrowind Data Files folder. Also, make sure you import all settings from the Morrowind.ini file when it gives you the option
Once you've got OpenMW installed and are able to run vanilla Morrowind, you can also take a look at the various settings. Some settings are available directly in the launcher and others must be added to your settings.cfg
file. It is vitally important that you DO NOT edit the settings.cfg
file while the launcher is open, and also DO NOT open the launcher while the settings.cfg
file is still open.
Optionally, visit the Portable Installation Tips page for instructions on how to configure OpenMW so that its configuration files are in a folder of your own choosing instead of the default paths. This can be useful if you want to maintain multiple mod lists or installations of OpenMW.
Set Your Site Settings
Visit the site settings page and enter values for your Base Folder - that is where you want to install mods to - and your vanilla Morrowind Data Files folder. This allows the website to give you paths that reflect what will actually be on your computer, allowing for the copy-paste snippets provided by the CFG Generator (more on that below).
Below those fields there is a checkbox you can check if you want to opt-in to the development build mods that take advantage of OpenMW's latest features in development. Please be mindful that the development build and any development build mods may contain bugs or otherwise negatively impact your experience. By default, users are opted out of any development build mods.
There are also options to toggle the website's built-in Dark and Light modes, or to clear your site data if the need arises.
Choose A Mod List
Browse the catalog of mod lists and pick one that sounds good to you. Although many mods depend on something else to function properly, the majority of mods in most lists can be skipped or swapped for an alternate if desired. Please note that the larger mod lists do take quite a bit more time and effort to set up properly and are generally not recommended for first-time players of Morrowind. Check out I Heart Vanilla, Just Good Morrowind, or Graphics Overhaul for a more vanilla-friendly experience.
Below is a list of the main mod lists and their descriptions:
- I Heart Vanilla (30 mods): This list is for those that want to play the vanilla game, but with a few quality of life improvements.
- I Heart Vanilla: Director's Cut (39 mods): This is an extension of the I Heart Vanilla list that includes Tamriel Rebuilt and related mods to greatly expand the available landmasses, with other goodies.
- Just Good Morrowind (73 mods): Limited but impactful graphical mods, performance optimizations, many gameplay mods, and no extra content or quests. Just Good Morrowind.
- One Day Morrowind Modernization (118 mods): Modernize Morrowind with a reasonably short but effective list that not only ups the visual ante but also adds a fair amount of gameplay content.
- Graphics Overhaul (346 mods): This is the graphics-only version of the Total Overhaul list. All the graphical replacers, none of the gameplay modifications.
- Expanded Vanilla (408 mods): The Expanded Vanilla list tries to preserve the look and feel of the vanilla game while adding a large amount of new content.
- Total Overhaul (559 mods): This list aims to replace virtually every mesh and texture in the game, as well as add a significant amount of content and gameplay tweaks. It will be like a remastered version of the game!
- Starwind: Modded (58 mods): A mod list centered around the Total Conversion Starwind, adding various features and extra content.
Folder Deploy Script
After you choose a mod list, generate and run your folder deploy script using the instructions below. In order for this to work correctly you must have already set your Site Settings.
Choose a mod list and your operating system and click Submit to generate your script:
IMPORTANT! Windows users will need to navigate to the directory they downloaded this script to and Shift+Right-click
the folder to bring up the context menu. Click Open Powershell window here
and type the following command, replacing the file name to reflect the script you downloaded:
Powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -File .\momw-folder-generator-MODLIST-NAME-HERE.ps1
Now that you have your folders deployed, installing mods is as simple as downloading them and extracting the contents into their designated directory.
Reading A Mod Detail Page
Each mod detail page has two tables of information. The top table includes general information about the mod and the bottom table contains instructions for installation. This example page details what each field contains. Feel free to open this page on a separate browser tab in case you need a reminder. This example page is also easily accessible on each mod detail page itself if you need it later on.
It's important at this point for users of mod lists to ensure they have set their Site Settings set. Doing this will ensure that all the folder data paths on each of these mod detail pages will reflect your own. For your own convenience, these same folder data paths are provided by the Folder Deploy Script.
These folder data paths are where you will extract the mod files into. Also, you'll see which plugins need to be enabled from each mod and any usage notes that contain further instructions you need to follow. Users following mod lists don't need to do anything with the plugins aside from ensuring they are located in their designated folder data path.
Once you have installed the mod on your system be sure to hit the Enable for CFG Generator
button in order to keep track of your progress and also to generate custom CFG Generator output. This can be useful if you want to test your progress at any point during installation.
Testing Your Progress
It is important to keep in mind that some mods require assets from other mods you install later on, so it is expected for minor issues to occur before the list has been completed, but testing along the way is still a good way to make sure mods are enabled and that there are no errors in your operating procedure.
- On the CFG Generator page, click the button labeled with the mod list you've chosen under where it says
Choose a preset
- On the resulting page, there will be a link labeled
Custom CFG Section
- There will be a list of mods with checkboxes, each of the ones you've clicked
Enable For CFG Generator
on will be checked - You may check boxes here to enable them in the same way as clicking
Enable For CFG Generator
on a mod detail page - At the bottom of this section there will be a button labeled
Submit Custom Setup
, click it - The resulting page will present you with an adjusted version of the preset you selected, containing only the mods you've enabled thus far
- Near the top of this page there will be a section labeled
openmw.cfg Section
, followed by one labeledsettings.cfg Section
- Click the
Copy to clipboard
link at the top of each respective section to copy the entire snippet to your clipboard - Paste each snippet into their respective file. This procedure is detailed in the next section
- For the
snippet, you'll want to overwrite the existingdata=
lines placed there by OpenMW - For the
snippet, you will have to overwrite any existing sections or values you may already have. If the header for a section already exists in your file (ie:[Shadows]
), make sure to omit it from the output of the CFG Generator and cut-and-paste those corresponding lines under the section that is already present instead. You may find it useful to simply rename any existing file you have tosettings.cfg.bak
and start with a fresh file, then edit to suit your liking from there
Before testing, use the CFG Generator to apply the correct load order to your openmw.cfg
, you will need to do this every time you test as the launcher may disable entries that, while currently invalid, will not be invalid on subsequent tests. You will need to remove (or comment out with #
) groundcover
entries until you have installed them, as they will cause OpenMW to crash if they are not installed.
Using The CFG Generator
The CFG Generator will provide you with personalized lines for your mod list that you will need to copy-and-paste into your openmw.cfg
and settings.cfg
files in order for the mod list to function properly. It is vitally important that you DO NOT edit the openmw.cfg
or the settings.cfg
file while the launcher is open, and also DO NOT open the launcher while those files are still open.
- On Windows, these files are located in
Documents\My Games\OpenMW
- On Linux, these files are located in
- On Mac, these files are located in
- Ensure that your Site Settings are set. With your Site Settings set click on the
Choose a preset
button corresponding to the mod list you chose. After a couple of seconds you will have your config files generated for you. - The sections you will copy-and-paste into your config files can be quite large, and so for your convenience you can click on the
Copy to clipboard
button. - For the
snippet, copy-and-paste it below the last line starting withfallback=
. Replace everything after this line, including thedata=
lines already present, and verify thedata=
folder paths match your own files. If there is a mismatch here, you may have set your Site Settings incorrectly or deviated from the folder naming schemes provided by this website. - For the
snippet, you will have to overwrite any existing sections or values you may already have. If the header for a section already exists in your file (ie:[Shadows]
), make sure to omit it from the output of the CFG Generator and cut-and-paste those corresponding lines under the section that is already present instead. You may find it useful to simply rename any existing file you have tosettings.cfg.bak
and start with a fresh file, then edit to suit your liking from there
Note that the CFG Generator creates a complete list of plugins that you should have enabled once you have gone through a mod list and finished its Final Steps. Once you finish copy-and-pasting you may have data=
, content=
, and groundcover=
lines for mods you've not installed yet. If you haven't installed those mods yet, it is important that you remove those lines or comment them out by placing a #
at the start of the line until you do install those mods.
Final Steps & Verification
Each mod list has a "Final Steps" page (Expanded Vanilla's final steps page, as an example) that has you use the CFG Generator and any tools required by the mod list to function correctly. You will also validate your files to ensure you've installed everything correctly and clean any plugins that require it.
Known Issues/Common Questions
Before diving into a full-on playthrough, please review our mod list FAQ page which goes answers many common questions that come up for new users of our mod lists.
Further Reading
A few pages that you'll want to reference while on your modding journey:
- The Performance Tips page gives an overview of the various options for adjusting visual quality and performance
- The Navmeshtool page details how to generate a Nav Mesh to improve cell loading performance
Upcoming Changes
Wondering if there's going to be an update soon? Want to know what's being worked on with this website? All changes to the website go out to the beta site first, but you can also refer to the GitLab activity log to see what's been going on with the project.
What's Next?
From here, if you've got further interest in the community - or simply need to report a problem or ask questions - come hang out in the project Discord or IRC channels and discuss all things related to this project, OpenMW, and Morrowind modding in general.
Please also feel free to check the project Twitch stream. The website creator occasionally streams while working on improving and updating the website, or creating OpenMW-Lua mods.
There's also the project issue tracker on GitLab where you can view existing issues or file a new one if you find something that needs to be fixed or updated.
This website's mod lists and content receive regular updates, including each week on the regular project stream, so be sure to check the mod list and website changelogs often. And happy modding!