Expanded Vanilla: Creature Visuals Mod List

5 mods

Give the various creatures of the game new life with updated assets.

This mod list is a sub-list of Expanded Vanilla. Please refer to the main mod list page for instructions.

Start This List

Step Name Author Description
#1 Rotat's Corprus Natives Replacer rotat and GrumblingVomit A replacer version of Corprus Natives by Rotat.
#2 Silt Strider Animation Restored Reizeron Restores previously unused Silt Strider animation.
#3 Blighted Animals Retextured Catherine, Darknut, and PeterBitt This mod adds unique textures to all blighted …
#4 FMI - Unique Lore Friendly Cave Rats PoodleSandwich Make Cave Rats look like how they're described. …
#5 On the Blink Svergy Base Morrowind guars of all varieties (regular, pack, …