Caverns Revamp

Step #36 in the One Day Morrowind Modernization list

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Last Updated:
High poly caverns with optional normal maps and sharp-edged meshes.

Usage Info

Did you find any inaccurate information below? Please let us know by opening an issue on GitLab or joining our Discord!

Data paths:
C:\games\OpenMWMods\CavesandDungeons\CavernsRevamp\00 - Lava Caverns
C:\games\OpenMWMods\CavesandDungeons\CavernsRevamp\01 - Mold Caverns
C:\games\OpenMWMods\CavesandDungeons\CavernsRevamp\03 - Mud Caverns
C:\games\OpenMWMods\CavesandDungeons\CavernsRevamp\04 - Lava Caverns (Sharp edges)
C:\games\OpenMWMods\CavesandDungeons\CavernsRevamp\06 - OpenMW 4K Normal Maps
C:\games\OpenMWMods\CavesandDungeons\CavernsRevamp\00 - Data Files
C:\games\OpenMWMods\CavesandDungeons\CavernsRevamp\01 - OpenMW Normal Maps
Usage Notes:

Download the Lava - Mold - Mud Caverns and PY Caverns main files. Extract them both into the base folder path for this mod.

Extra Configs:
These values need to be added to settings.cfg (be sure to consult the CFG Generator for a complete readout of all required settings):
max lights = 64
light bounds multiplier = 4.95
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