Minor patches and fixes

Step #30 in the One Day Morrowind Modernization list

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Fixes some incompatibilities between Lava - Mold - Mud Caverns Revamp by SVNR and the popular modder repositories of TR and OAAB.

Usage Info

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Data paths:
C:\games\OpenMWMods\Patches\Minorpatchesandfixes\Lava Mold Mud OAAB Patch
C:\games\OpenMWMods\Patches\Minorpatchesandfixes\Lava Mold Mud TR Patch
C:\games\OpenMWMods\Patches\Minorpatchesandfixes\Lava Mud Mold Tribunal Patch
Usage Notes:

Download the following files:

 Lava Mold Mud OAAB Patch
 Lava Mold Mud TR Patch
 Lava Mud Mold Tribunal Patch

Extract them, respectively, into the following folders you create:

 Lava Mold Mud OAAB Patch
 Lava Mold Mud TR Patch
 Lava Mud Mold Tribunal Patch
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