Total Overhaul: Mod Patches Mod List
10 mods
Collections of small patches and other plugins for compatibility between various mods, or between various mods and OpenMW.
This mod list is a sub-list of Total Overhaul. Please refer to the main mod list page for instructions.
Step | Name | Author | Description |
#1 | MOMW Patches | MOMW Team + OpenMW Modding Community | Patches made by the and OpenMW modding … |
#2 | Sophie's Skooma Sweetshoppe | Sophie | Sophie's repository of textures, meshes, upscales and normal … |
#3 | Alvazir's Various Patches | alvazir | Collection of compatibility patches fixes, mod expansions and … |
#4 | Khajiit Has Patches If You Have Coin | Pharis | Come get your patches. Coin not actually required. … |
#5 | Sigourn's Misc Mods and Patches | Sigourn and MMC | Compilation of compatibility patches for a variety of … |
#6 | Mono's Minor Moddities | MonoAccipiter | Various minor mods patched together mostly as small … |
#7 | Publicola's Misc Mod Emporium | Publicola | A collection of mesh fixes, texture repacks, weather … |
#8 | Animated Morrowind and Weapon Sheathing patch for OpenMW | Katya Karrel | Fixes invisible objects in the hands of Animated … |
#9 | Various tweaks and fixes | borok | Small mods, tweaks and fixes. |
#10 | Null's Minor Patches | NullCascade | Just some patches. |