Silverware Repolished

Step #115 in the Total Overhaul list

What is this button?

Featured in Mod Lists:
Improved meshes with upscaled and atlased textures and optional bump maps for silverware items.

Usage Info

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Data paths:
C:\games\OpenMWMods\ObjectsClutter\SilverwareRepolished\00 Data Files
C:\games\OpenMWMods\ObjectsClutter\SilverwareRepolished\2k Atlas Texture (Bigjpg+MET)
C:\games\OpenMWMods\ObjectsClutter\SilverwareRepolished\OpenMW Compatible Normal Map (2k)
C:\games\OpenMWMods\ObjectsClutter\SilverwareRepolished\OpenMW vanilla candles patched-Compatibility Patch
Usage Notes:

Download the main Silverware Repolished file and the OpenMW vanilla candles patched-Compatibility Patch file. Extract the main file to this mod's root data path and the OpenMW vanilla candles patched-Compatibility Patch file to the OpenMW vanilla candles patched-Compatibility Patch folder created by the folder deploy script.

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