Argonian Full Helms Lore Integrated and Modders Resource v 1.1

How To Use This Page

Adds 25 new argonian-tailored versions of existing vanilla full-helmets to the game, some with options with and without horns. One with a variant made for non-beasts. The helms can be found across Vvardenfell. All are relatively rare, but some more than others.
Download Link
OpenMW Compatibility:

Mod Installation/Setup Info

Note: This page does not contain information specific to any mod list. In order to see mod list specific information use one of the mod list links listed below where it says "Featured in Mod Lists".

Did you find any inaccurate information below? Please let us know by opening an issue on GitLab or joining our Discord!

Data path:
C:\games\OpenMWMods\Armor\ArgonianFullHelmsLoreIntegratedandModdersResourcev11\Argonian Full Helms Lore Integrated v1.1\Data Files
Plugin Needs Cleaning:
Usage Notes:

The plugin is dirty with Evil GMSTs and must be cleaned with tes3cmd (click to expand/collapse):

> tes3cmd.exe clean 'Argonian Full Helms Lore Integrated.ESP'

CLEANING: 'Argonian Full Helms Lore Integrated.ESP' ...
Loaded cached Master: /morrowind.esm
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: steleportdisabled
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: slevitatedisabled
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: swerewolfrefusal
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: swerewolfpopup
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: swerewolfrestmessage
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: swerewolfalarmmessage
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: smaxsale
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: sdeletenote
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: seditnote
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: sprofitvalue
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: scompanionshare
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: scompanionwarningmessage
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: scompanionwarningbuttonone
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: scompanionwarningbuttontwo
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfrunmult
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfsilverweapondamagemult
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: iwerewolfbounty
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfstrength
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfagility
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfendurance
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfspeed
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfhandtohand
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfunarmored
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: iwerewolfleveltoattack
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: iwerewolffightmod
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: iwerewolffleemod
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfathletics
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfacrobatics
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfhealth
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolffatigue
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfmagicka
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfintellegence
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfwillpower
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfpersonality
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfluck
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfblock
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfarmorer
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfmediumarmor
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfheavyarmor
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfbluntweapon
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolflongblade
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfaxe
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfspear
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfdestruction
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfalteration
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfillusion
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfconjuration
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfmysticism
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfrestoration
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfenchant
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfalchemy
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfsecurity
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfsneak
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolflightarmor
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfshortblade
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfmarksman
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfmerchantile
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfspeechcraft
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fcombatdistancewerewolfmod
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: ffleedistance
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: seffectsummonfabricant
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: seffectsummoncreature01
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: seffectsummoncreature02
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: seffectsummoncreature03
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: seffectsummoncreature04
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: seffectsummoncreature05
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: smagicfabricantid
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: smagiccreature01id
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: smagiccreature02id
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: smagiccreature03id
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: smagiccreature04id
 Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: smagiccreature05id
 Cleaned duplicate record (ARMO): dust_adept_helm
 Cleaned duplicate record (LIGH): red light_flickering_small
 Cleaned duplicate record (STAT): in_t_crystal_02
 Cleaned duplicate object instance (zabarbael FRMR: 248336) from CELL: molag mar (13, -8)
 Cleaned duplicate object instance (chest_small_01_goldr500 FRMR: 248340) from CELL: molag mar (13, -8)
 Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-12, 3)
 Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-12, 2)
 Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-12, 1)
 Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-13, 4)
 Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-13, 3)
 Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-13, 2)
 Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-13, 1)
 Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-14, 5)
 Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-14, 4)
 Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-14, 2)
 Cleaned junk-CELL: west gash region (-15, 7)
 Cleaned junk-CELL: wilderness (-15, -8)
 Cleaned junk-CELL: west gash region (-16, 8)
 Cleaned junk-CELL: west gash region (-16, 7)
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: addamasartus
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: ald velothi, ienas arvel's shack
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: ald-ruhn, guild of fighters
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: ald-ruhn, the rat in the pot
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: balmora, meldor: armorer
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: balmora, nine toes' house
 Cleaned duplicate object instance (chest_01_v_potion_h_03 FRMR: 367884) from CELL: balmora, south wall cornerclub
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: balmora, south wall cornerclub
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: beran ancestral tomb
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: caldera, irgola: pawnbroker
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: corprusarium
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: dren plantation, dren's villa
 Cleaned duplicate object instance (Im_Kilaya FRMR: 147920) from CELL: ebonheart, argonian mission
 Cleaned duplicate object instance (flora_t_mushroom_02 FRMR: 141850) from CELL: ebonheart, argonian mission
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: ebonheart, argonian mission
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: galom daeus, observatory
 Cleaned duplicate object instance (in_dae_rubble_04a FRMR: 473525) from CELL: kora-dur
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: kora-dur
 Cleaned duplicate object instance (in_dae_hall_l_entry_01 FRMR: 147236) from CELL: kushtashpi, shrine
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: kushtashpi, shrine
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: mzuleft
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: pelagiad, junal-lei's house
 Cleaned duplicate object instance (gam-kur FRMR: 280239) from CELL: pulk
 Cleaned duplicate object instance (hathei FRMR: 280240) from CELL: pulk
 Cleaned junk-CELL: pulk
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: sadrith mora, wolverine hall: mage's guild
 Cleaned duplicate object instance (orcish_pauldron_left FRMR: 481036) from CELL: suran, garothmuk gro-muzgub: smith
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: suran, garothmuk gro-muzgub: smith
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: suran, suran slave market
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: tel aruhn, tower living quarters
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: tel uvirith, seleth's house
 Cleaned duplicate object instance (imperial_greaves FRMR: 312481) from CELL: tel vos, barracks and armory
 Cleaned duplicate object instance (bonemold_cuirass FRMR: 312496) from CELL: tel vos, barracks and armory
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: tel vos, barracks and armory
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: tel vos, services tower
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: tusenend, shrine
 Cleaned duplicate object instance (de_r_chest_01_pos FRMR: 242404) from CELL: vivec, arena hidden area
 Cleaned duplicate object instance (Com_Chest_02_L_Weap_02 FRMR: 242405) from CELL: vivec, arena hidden area
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: vivec, arena hidden area
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: vivec, miun-gei: enchanter
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: vivec, the lizard's head
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: zainsipilu
Output saved in: 'Clean_Argonian Full Helms Lore Integrated.ESP'
Original unaltered: 'Argonian Full Helms Lore Integrated.ESP'

Cleaning Stats for 'Argonian Full Helms Lore Integrated.ESP':
             Evil-GMST Bloodmoon:    61
              Evil-GMST Tribunal:    11
       duplicate object instance:    14
                duplicate record:     3
                       junk-CELL:    15
             redundant CELL.AMBI:    29
             redundant CELL.WHGT:    29
Content Plugin:
Clean_Argonian Full Helms Lore Integrated.ESP

MOMW Metadata

Category: Armor

Featured in Mod Lists: Expanded Vanilla (#265), Total Overhaul (#408),