Building Up Uvirith's Legacy
Acheron & Artimis Fowl
This mod is an attempt to patch together two of the most popular Tel Uvirth Stronghold mods, Uvirith's Legacy(UL) by StuporStar, and Building up Uvirith's grave(BuUG) by Mike "Acheron".
Download Link
OpenMW Compatibility:
Mod Installation/Setup Info
Note: This page does not contain information specific to any mod list. In order to see mod list specific information use one of the mod list links listed below where it says "Featured in Mod Lists".
Did you find any inaccurate information below? Please let us know by opening an issue on GitLab or joining our Discord!
Data path:
C:\games\OpenMWMods\PlayerHomes\BuildingUpUvirithsLegacy\Building Up Uvirith's Legacy
Usage Notes:
The included Fast Eddie Fix
plugin is not compatible with the latest version of Uvirith's Legacy! Do not use it.
The plugin is dirty but will be auto-cleaned by Delta Plugin.
If you wish to use `tes3cmd` to clean, click to expand/collapse the command and its output:
$ tes3cmd clean 'Building Up Uvirith's Legacy1.1.ESP'
CLEANING: 'Building Up Uvirith's Legacy1.1.ESP' ...
Loaded cached Master: /morrowind.esm
Cleaned duplicate record (DOOR): ex_t_door_01_pc_hold_a
Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-12, 3)
Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-12, 2)
Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-12, 1)
Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-13, 4)
Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-13, 3)
Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-13, 2)
Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-13, 1)
Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-14, 5)
Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-14, 4)
Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast region (-14, 2)
Cleaned junk-CELL: west gash region (-15, 7)
Cleaned junk-CELL: wilderness (-15, -8)
Cleaned junk-CELL: west gash region (-16, 8)
Cleaned junk-CELL: west gash region (-16, 7)
Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: missir-dadalit egg mine
Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: serano ancestral tomb
Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: shushan
Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: tel uvirith, tower dungeon
Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: tel uvirith, tower lower
Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: tel uvirith, tower upper
Cleaned duplicate object instance (active_de_r_bed_18 FRMR: 202962) from CELL: vivec, telvanni tower
Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: vivec, telvanni tower
Output saved in: 'Clean_Building Up Uvirith's Legacy1.1.ESP'
Original unaltered: 'Building Up Uvirith's Legacy1.1.ESP'
Cleaning Stats for 'Building Up Uvirith's Legacy1.1.ESP':
duplicate object instance: 1
duplicate record: 1
junk-CELL: 14
redundant CELL.AMBI: 8
redundant CELL.WHGT: 8
Content Plugins:
Fast Eddie Fix v .0001.esp
Building Up Uvirith's Legacy1.1.ESP
MOMW Metadata
Featured in Mod Lists: Expanded Vanilla (#347), Total Overhaul (#497)