Choose a Mod List

OpenMW Authors
Featured in Mod Lists:
This page shows a list of all of the mod lists on this website, their descriptions, and the total number of mods in each list. Also included are the Wabbajack lists if you want to install a mod list that way instead, and also a link to Robowind Construct, which is a single-player demo level original concept using OpenMW.
OpenMW Compatibility:

Usage Info

Note: This page does not contain information specific to any mod list. In order to see mod list specific information use one of the mod list links listed above where it says "Featured in Mod Lists".

Did you find any inaccurate information below? Please let us know by opening an issue on GitLab or joining our Discord!

Usage Notes:

Browse the catalogue of mod lists and pick one that sounds good to you. Please note that the larger mod lists do take quite a bit more time and effort to set up properly and are generally not recommended for first-time players of Morrowind. Check out Just Good Morrowind or I Heart Vanilla for a much faster and more vanilla-friendly experience.

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