Rise of House Telvanni
Mod Installation/Setup Info
Note: This page does not contain information specific to any mod list. In order to see mod list specific information use one of the mod list links listed below where it says "Featured in Mod Lists".
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C:\games\OpenMWMods\GuildsFactions\RiseofHouseTelvanni\Base Mod
Download the main file Rise of House Telvanni v1_52
and the Flask mesh update
file. Extract the Flask mesh update
file inside the Base Mod
For those wondering, there's no conflict with this mod and Vivec Guild of Mages Expansion.
Note that this mod creates a conflict with The Rise of the Tribe Unmourned Revised when you destroy the Mage's Guild, if you choose to do that. Note that this would affect any mod that wants the Mage's Guild to exist!
Rise of House Telvanni.esm
MOMW Metadata
Featured in Mod Lists: Expanded Vanilla (#12), Total Overhaul (#12)