Sigourn's Misc Mods and Patches
Sigourn and MMC
Compilation of compatibility patches for a variety of mods, edited versions of mods, as well as other minor mods.
Download Link
OpenMW Compatibility:
Mod Installation/Setup Info
Note: This page does not contain information specific to any mod list. In order to see mod list specific information use one of the mod list links listed below where it says "Featured in Mod Lists".
Did you find any inaccurate information below? Please let us know by opening an issue on GitLab or joining our Discord!
Data paths:
C:\games\OpenMWMods\PatchesFixesandConsistency\SigournsMiscModsandPatches\00 Expansions Integrated Patch
C:\games\OpenMWMods\PatchesFixesandConsistency\SigournsMiscModsandPatches\02 Solstheim Tomb of the Snow Prince
C:\games\OpenMWMods\PatchesFixesandConsistency\SigournsMiscModsandPatches\03 Rather Nice Factor's Estate
Usage Notes:
Download the files depending on your mod loadout. The modlists use the MDMD - More Deadly Morrowind Denizens Patches
Content Plugins:
Expansions Integrated MDMD Patch.ESP
STOTSP Ownership Overhaul Patch.esp
Rather Nice Factor's Estate Ownership Overhaul Patch.esp
MOMW Metadata
Category: Patches, Fixes, and Consistency
Featured in Mod Lists: Expanded Vanilla (#365), Total Overhaul (#515)