The Wolverine Hall

DuoDinamico aka RandomPal and Vegetto
Featured in Mod Lists:
Overhaul of the Wolverine Hall, turning it into a proper hall.
OpenMW Compatibility:

Usage Info

Note: This page does not contain information specific to any mod list. In order to see mod list specific information use one of the mod list links listed above where it says "Featured in Mod Lists".

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Data paths:
C:\games\OpenMWMods\CitiesTowns\TheWolverineHall\01 Core
C:\games\OpenMWMods\CitiesTowns\TheWolverineHall\03 BCOM patch (read the instructions or it won't work)
Usage Notes:

If you are using Beautiful Cities of Morrowind you must use tes3cmd to make the following edits:

tes3cmd delete --backup-dir tes3cmdbck --hide-backups --interior --id "Wolverine Hall" "Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP"
tes3cmd delete --backup-dir tes3cmdbck --hide-backups --exterior --id "Wolverine Hall" "Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP"
tes3cmd delete --backup-dir tes3cmdbck --hide-backups --exterior --id "Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall" "Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP"
tes3cmd delete --backup-dir tes3cmdbck --hide-backups --type pgrd --id "Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall" "Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP"
tes3cmd delete --backup-dir tes3cmdbck --hide-backups --type pgrd --id "Wolverine Hall" "Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP"
Windows Specific Instructions: Click here to show
  • Make sure you have tes3cmd.exe installed to your vanilla morrowind/data files directory.
  • Copy the Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP from Beautiful cities of Morrowind and place it in the same vanilla morrowind/data files directory.
  • Copy the WHO - [Patch] BCOM.bat file from TheWolverineHall 03 BCOM patch (read the instructions or it won't work) module and place it in the same directory as the other files.
  • Double click the WHO - [Patch] BCOM.bat file and you should see a terminal output with the Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP edited.
  • Place the Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP file back where you originally obtained it.
Content Plugins:
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