Concept Arts plantations
A concept arts-based overhaul of the Arvel and Dren plantations.
Download Link
Mod Installation/Setup Info
Did you find any inaccurate information below? Please let us know by opening an issue on GitLab or joining our Discord!
Data path:
C:\games\OpenMWMods\CitiesTowns\ConceptArtsplantations\00 Core
Usage Notes:
You only need the data path. A replacement plugin for the mod was provided earlier in the list by Beautiful Cities of Morrowind.
NOTE: OpenMW 0.47 (or newer) is required to use the groundcover plugin!.
MOMW Metadata
Tags: Grass OAAB Data Tamriel Data
Featured in Mod Lists: Graphics Overhaul (#283), Expanded Vanilla (#161), Total Overhaul (#306)