Mono's Minor Moddities

How To Use This Page


Step #366 in the Expanded Vanilla list


What is this button?

Various minor mods patched together mostly as small improvements or patches to other popular mods.
Download Link

Mod Installation/Setup Info

Did you find any inaccurate information below? Please let us know by opening an issue on GitLab or joining our Discord!

Data paths:
C:\games\OpenMWMods\PatchesFixesandConsistency\MonosMinorModdities\TomboftheSnowPrincePAandGitDPatch\00 Core
C:\games\OpenMWMods\PatchesFixesandConsistency\MonosMinorModdities\UpscaledJournalandBookmarkBGReplacement\01 2x Resolution Textures
Usage Notes:

Download the Tomb of the Snow Prince - PA and GitD Patch and Upscaled Journal and Bookmark BG Replacement files and extract them, respectively, to their folders created by the folder deploy script.