Imperial Employment Office (MD Edit)

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Melchior Dahrk and Tabris
This mod creates a new, joinable faction in Morrowind - the Imperial Employment Office (IEO). There are a lot of commoners in Vvardenfell who aren't strong fighters or skilled mages. The IEO is there to give them jobs as well. This mod is mostly aimed towards role-players as the jobs are usually quite straight-forward and not too challenging (with one optional exception which does involve some combat).
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Mod Installation/Setup Info

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Data paths:
C:\games\OpenMWMods\GuildsFactions\ImperialEmploymentOfficeMDEdit\00 Core
C:\games\OpenMWMods\GuildsFactions\ImperialEmploymentOfficeMDEdit\01 HD Textures
C:\games\OpenMWMods\GuildsFactions\ImperialEmploymentOfficeMDEdit\03 Seyda Neen Lighthouse Patch
Content Plugins:
Imperial Employment Office (MD edits).esp

MOMW Metadata

Category: Guilds/Factions