The Wolverine Hall

How To Use This Page


Step #309 in the Total Overhaul list


What is this button?

DuoDinamico aka RandomPal and Vegetto88
Overhaul of the Wolverine Hall, turning it into a proper hall.
Download Link

Mod Installation/Setup Info

Did you find any inaccurate information below? Please let us know by opening an issue on GitLab or joining our Discord!

Data paths:
C:\games\OpenMWMods\CitiesTowns\TheWolverineHall\01 Core
C:\games\OpenMWMods\CitiesTowns\TheWolverineHall\03 BCOM patch (read the instructions or it won't work)
Usage Notes:

For compatibility with Beautiful Cities of Morrowind, you must use tes3cmd to make the following edits:

For all operating systems, make sure you cut-and-paste Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP into the folder where tes3cmd is located.

You'll then need to run the following commands:

  ./tes3cmd delete --backup-dir tes3cmdbck --hide-backups --interior --id "Wolverine Hall" "Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP"
  ./tes3cmd delete --backup-dir tes3cmdbck --hide-backups --exterior --id "Wolverine Hall" "Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP"
  ./tes3cmd delete --backup-dir tes3cmdbck --hide-backups --exterior --id "Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall" "Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP"
  ./tes3cmd delete --backup-dir tes3cmdbck --hide-backups --type pgrd --id "Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall" "Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP"
  ./tes3cmd delete --backup-dir tes3cmdbck --hide-backups --type pgrd --id "Wolverine Hall" "Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP"
  ./tes3cmd delete --backup-dir tes3cmdbck --hide-backups --type npc_ --id "emelia duronia" "Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP"
  ./tes3cmd delete --backup-dir tes3cmdbck --hide-backups --type npc_ --id "erranil" "Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP"
  ./tes3cmd delete --backup-dir tes3cmdbck --hide-backups --type npc_ --id "flacassia fauseius" "Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP"
  ./tes3cmd delete --backup-dir tes3cmdbck --hide-backups --type npc_ --id "masalinie merian" "Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP"

If you notice that your teleport locations are still duplicated, you'll need to re-merge your Delta Plugin.

Content Plugins: