Folder Deploy Script
Mod Installation/Setup Info
Note: This page does not contain information specific to any mod list. In order to see mod list specific information use one of the mod list links listed below where it says "Featured in Mod Lists".
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Before you continue, this is a final reminder that these detailed steps should be followed only in case you want to install the mod list manually, not automatically! In case you want to install the mod list automatically using our downloader and configurator tools, you should instead follow the Automatic Installation Guide.
In case you want to continue with the manual installation, follow the instructions on the Manual Installation Guide section regarding the Folder Deploy Script. You will know if it worked if the script deployed a group of folders in your Base Folder you set up in your Site Settings. After you have these folders, you are ready to move onto the next step.
MOMW Metadata
Featured in Mod Lists: I Heart Vanilla (#4), I Heart Vanilla: Director's Cut (#4), Just Good Morrowind (#4), One Day Morrowind Modernization (#4), Graphics Overhaul (#4), Expanded Vanilla (#4), Total Overhaul (#4), Starwind: Modded (#4)