Latest 100 Mod Additions/Updates

Below are the 100 most recently added or updated mods!

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List Changelogs Mod Lists By Category By Tag

Date Updated Name Author Category
2025-03-18 EKM Corkbulb Retexture Erikaimar Flora
2025-03-18 SM Replacer Wickwheat ShadowMimicry Flora
2025-03-18 OAAB to RR Telvanni Consistency Markond Patches, Fixes, and Consistency
2025-03-13 Races Redone - Assorted Compatibility Patches Kartoffels and qwertyquit Patches, Fixes, and Consistency
2025-03-09 Dandions Mackom Stlye Fixed Normals for openmw and TES3MP Dandion and BobbyBPG NPCs
2025-03-08 Attributes Skills and Potions Limit (OpenMW) raffl Gameplay
2025-03-06 Apel's Fire Retexture Apel Environment
2025-03-01 Wilhelm of the Aedra AFFA Guilds/Factions
2025-02-25 Ascadia - Land of Pilgrimage Dreadnaughtious Landscape
2025-02-23 Mackom's Style TR Patch BobbyBPG NPCs
2025-02-23 Dandion's Familiar Looks OpenMW Texture Path Fix Dandion and jstans NPCs
2025-02-23 Dandion's Project HEADS - Missing MacKom-Like Heads for TR Dandion NPCs
2025-02-23 TR Heads and Hair replacer - Mackom's Heads (and various patches) Darkfri NPCs
2025-02-23 Expressive Eyes for MacKom's Heads qwertyquit NPCs
2025-02-23 New Hairs for MacKom's Heads Hag NPCs
2025-02-23 MacKom's Humanoid Heads MacKom NPCs
2025-02-23 MacKom's Khajiit MacKom NPCs
2025-02-23 EKM Dunmer Corprus Variants EKM, Westly, and Connary Creatures
2025-02-21 Book Jackets Complete Collection HD Daleth and Dyvalas Objects/Clutter
2025-02-14 Fresh Loot (OpenMW) mym Gameplay
2025-02-09 Gonzo's Font Palette Gonzo Settings Tweaks
2025-02-09 Interface Reimagined for OpenMW eledin User Interface
2025-02-04 openmw-animated-levitation fallchildren, with sounds by Settyness Animation
2025-02-02 Sin City - A Starwind Mod Von Djangos Total Conversions
2025-02-02 Null's Minor Patches NullCascade Patches, Fixes, and Consistency
2025-01-31 Vurt's Groundcover Vurt Groundcover
2025-01-25 Protective Guards - Factions and NPCs Protections (OpenMW) kuyondo and lelimule Gameplay
2025-01-25 Splendor of Stars DocJ401 Quests
2025-01-25 Walkable Sotha Sil HeroDOA Caves and Dungeons
2025-01-25 Tribunal Facelift mort and Kildozery Interiors
2025-01-25 Mercy - Combat AI Overhaul Max Yari Gameplay
2025-01-25 Behaviour Tree Lua 2nd Edition Max Yari, and Renato de Pontes Pereira Modding Resources
2025-01-25 The Woe of Indalen Tomb Markond Caves and Dungeons
2025-01-25 One Side of the Coin (OpenMW-Only) GrumblingVomit, Melchior Dahrk, and DimNussens Quests
2025-01-25 The Tea Shop in Old Ebonheart RandomPal and Stuporstar Cities/Towns
2025-01-25 Humble Prayer Hall SilentJacket Cities/Towns
2025-01-25 Magical Mainland Homes CdoubleOK Player Homes
2025-01-25 Balmora Temple Questline DocJ401 Guilds/Factions
2025-01-25 Imperial Business DocJ401 Guilds/Factions
2025-01-25 Imperial Cult Quest Expansion DocJ401 Guilds/Factions
2025-01-25 Imperial Employment Office (MD Edit) Melchior Dahrk and Tabris Guilds/Factions
2025-01-25 Races Reworked - A Starwind Mod Von Djangos Total Conversions
2025-01-24 Provincial Beginning johnnyhostile Chargen
2025-01-22 Habasi alvazir Tools
2025-01-22 MW Mesh Generator Yacoby Tools
2025-01-22 OpenMW Lua helper utility taitechnic Tools
2025-01-21 Devilish Alcohol Overhaul (for OpenMW) DetailDevil and Merlord VFX
2025-01-21 Devilish Magic Mushrooms (OpenMW 0.49) DetailDevil and EpochWon VFX
2025-01-21 Starwind - The Old Water Station WulfShaman Total Conversions
2025-01-21 Alien Face Remesh Pack Miss_Plagued Total Conversions
2025-01-21 The Great Bazaar - A Starwind Mod kvatchcount and Ignatious Total Conversions
2025-01-21 Starwind - Planet Expansions Ignatious Total Conversions
2025-01-20 Guar stables of Balmora RandomPal Cities/Towns
2025-01-20 DeFemme Armor Replacer - Netch Cuirass Fix ainda and Alaisiagae Armor
2025-01-20 Gray North - Ruined Redaynia - Dungeon Only Anumaril21 and RandomPal Caves and Dungeons
2025-01-20 Gray North - Ruined Redaynia Anumaril21 Caves and Dungeons
2025-01-20 The Beacons of Mamaea Kalinter Landscape
2025-01-20 Maren's Misfit Mabrigash MysticElodie Caves and Dungeons
2025-01-20 Memento Mori Team Gobblin' Goblins: globemallow, JosephMcKean, Kalinter, Caves and Dungeons
2025-01-20 Dissident Ordinators Rosynant NPCs
2025-01-20 Of Justice and Innocence Darkelfguy Quests
2025-01-20 Chasing Ends Team Target Dummies: Gnimbvs and Amazin Quests
2025-01-20 Into the Abyss Team Incoherent Coherers: Lord Zarcon, SouloEater, AnrohaNexus, and … Quests
2025-01-20 Beyond the Firmament Team Sixth-and-a-Half House: ButchAmy, Narangren Tirthallion, superduple, … Quests
2025-01-20 Under Masser's Gaze Telvanni Tea Drinkers: DetailDevil, Jackimoff Wackimoff, Markond, Quests
2025-01-20 The Professionals Viga Quests
2025-01-20 The Professionals Volume 2 Viga Quests
2025-01-20 Suran - Ashlands Barrier Markond Landscape
2025-01-19 The Pearl Divers globemallow Quests
2025-01-19 Collecting The Thirty-Six Lessons of Vivec vaelta Quests
2025-01-19 The Devil's Doorstep Ruffin Vangarr and Katya Karrel Quests
2025-01-19 Salt Gems of Bensamsi Melchior Dahrk Quests
2025-01-19 Stormkiss Reforged Stavroguin, Gevalt, and Enclavekiller Quests
2025-01-19 Selfishness of the Sea DocJ401 Caves and Dungeons
2025-01-19 Balmora Arches and a Waterfall Katya Karrel Landscape
2025-01-19 A River of Fire Markond Landscape
2025-01-19 A Familiar Song superduple Quests
2025-01-19 Baal Duun - Cursed Isle of the Four Corners Juidius, Melchior Dahrk, and seelof Caves and Dungeons
2025-01-19 Even More Illuminated Order Improved Fixes Lucevar, Ronik, Folcro, Katya Karrel, Patches, Fixes, and Consistency
2025-01-19 Illuminated Order Improved Patch Vennin Patches, Fixes, and Consistency
2025-01-19 Illuminated Order Improved mort Guilds/Factions
2025-01-18 Patch - Vennin's Addamasartus Overhaul and 1John418 Help a Khajiit reach the City of Good People Ricketybob Patches, Fixes, and Consistency
2025-01-18 Vennin's Addamasartus Overhaul Vennin Caves and Dungeons
2025-01-15 Grass for Old TCs TheAwesomancer Groundcover
2025-01-15 Arktwend Enhanced Textures Laserguner255 Total Conversions
2025-01-15 Arktwend English Cutscenes Brumbek Total Conversions
2025-01-15 TAO - The Arktwend Overhaul JohnMoonsugar Total Conversions
2025-01-15 Project Cyrodiil Music - Anvil and Sutch Matt Andrews - Astrid - Ronik Audio
2025-01-14 Interesting Outfits - TR Imperial Guards TipsyTekPriest NPCs
2025-01-12 Elodie's Mystic Minimods MysticElodie Replacers
2025-01-12 Unique Banners and Signs Bart Notelaers Replacers
2025-01-12 Slay's Assassin Mark - A Sneak Attack Mod for OpenMW slaythedragonn Gameplay
2025-01-12 MM - Enhanced Invisibility OperatorJack, Vtastek, and Kurpulio VFX
2025-01-12 Character Sound Overhaul Anumaril21 Audio
2025-01-12 openmw-enhanced-invisibility fallchildren VFX
2025-01-12 openmw-footsteps fallchildren Audio
2025-01-12 Scalable Dwemer Puzzle Box Randomizer Gonzo Randomizers
2025-01-11 HiRez Creatures - Netch spaceinvader91 Creatures
2025-01-11 Unholy Trinity - Dagoth Ur - Vemynal - Odrosal Remade GlitterGear and Kildozery Caves and Dungeons
2025-01-11 The Vanishing Ash-chirps - A Quest Mod tewlwolow Quests