Mamaea Awakened

How To Use This Page

In vanilla Morrowind, Mamaea is a dull maze of caves with nothing remarkable about them aside from the spine of bone down the center of the cavern network. This mod aims to make Mamaea a more memorable visit for the player.
Download Link
OpenMW Compatibility:

Mod Installation/Setup Info

Note: This page does not contain information specific to any mod list. In order to see mod list specific information use one of the mod list links listed below where it says "Featured in Mod Lists".

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Data path:
C:\games\OpenMWMods\CavesandDungeons\MamaeaAwakened\Data Files
Usage Notes:

Use the plugin provided by Beautiful Cities of Morrowind if you're using that mod as well.

Content Plugin:
Mamaea Awakened.ESP

MOMW Metadata

Last Updated: 2023-09-19

Category: Caves and Dungeons

Featured in Mod Lists: Expanded Vanilla (#193), Total Overhaul (#337)