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Mod Installation/Setup Info
Note: This page does not contain information specific to any mod list. In order to see mod list specific information use one of the mod list links listed below where it says "Featured in Mod Lists".
Did you find any inaccurate information below? Please let us know by opening an issue on GitLab or joining our Discord!
Visit the site settings page and enter values for your Base Folder - that is where you want to install mods to - as well as your vanilla Morrowind Data Files folder. This allows the website to give you paths that reflect what will actually be on your computer, allowing for the copy-paste snippets provided by the CFG Generator, and more accurately provided information on each step of the mod list.
Below those fields there is a checkbox you can check if you want to opt-in to the development build mods which take advantage of OpenMW's latest features in development. Please be mindful that the development build and any development build mods may contain bugs or otherwise negatively impact your experience. By default, users are opted out of any development build mods.
There are also options to toggle the website's built-in Dark and Light modes, or to clear your site data if the need arises.
MOMW Metadata
Featured in Mod Lists: I Heart Vanilla (#3), I Heart Vanilla: Director's Cut (#3), Just Good Morrowind (#3), One Day Morrowind Modernization (#3), Graphics Overhaul (#3), Expanded Vanilla (#3), Total Overhaul (#3), Starwind: Modded (#3)