Skullcrusher Redone

How To Use This Page

A remake of the artifact Skullcrusher - smaller, metallic, but still reminisce of the original design.
Download Link
OpenMW Compatibility:

Mod Installation/Setup Info

Note: This page does not contain information specific to any mod list. In order to see mod list specific information use one of the mod list links listed below where it says "Featured in Mod Lists".

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Data paths:
Usage Notes:

Download the Skullcrusher Redone - Modern Sized and Skullcrusher Redone - Diffuse Specular Normal Maps files.

Create two folders in the base mod folder path: modern and diff-spec-normal, create another folder called textures inside the diff-spec-normal folder.

Extract the main file's contents into modern and the Diffuse Specular Normal Maps contents into diff-spec-normal/textures.

In the diff-spec-normal/textures folder: these files need to be renamed:

  • to
  • to
  • to

Alternatively, you can use the Skullcrusher Redone - Modern Sized - Colour Mimic option if you prefer that version's coloring to the Skullcrusher Redone - Modern Sized version. Refer to the screenshots on the Nexus page to compare.

MOMW Metadata

Last Updated: 2022-12-05

Category: Weapons

Tags: Manual Edit Needed

Featured in Mod Lists: Graphics Overhaul (#176), Total Overhaul (#193)