Glass Glowset

Step #153 in the Graphics Overhaul list

What is this button?

Soldifire and Darknut
Featured in Mod Lists:
Replaces all glass related items with an enchanting glow.

Usage Info

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Data paths:
Usage Notes:

Download both the Glass Glowset Final and the Glass Pixelation fix (extract to meshes folder) files. Create a folder called fix in the base mod data path and extract the contents of the fix download file into it.

The plugin is dirty but will be auto-cleaned by Delta Plugin (click to expand/collapse):

$ tes3cmd clean Glowing_Mines.ESP

CLEANING: './Glowing_Mines.ESP' ...
Loading Master: morrowind.esm
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: dissapla mine
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: dunirai caverns
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: halit mine
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: maba-ilu
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: massama cave
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: yassu mine
Output saved in: 'Clean_Glowing_Mines.ESP'
Original unaltered: './Glowing_Mines.ESP'

Cleaning Stats for './Glowing_Mines.ESP':
             redundant CELL.AMBI:     6
             redundant CELL.WHGT:     6
Content Plugin:
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