Rise of House Telvanni

Step #1 in the Total Overhaul: Prerequisites list

What is this button?

Pozzo, Karpik777, bhl
Featured in Mod Lists:
This is a heavily expanded version of Pozzo's Rise of House Telvanni (RoHT). This mod adds quests for the Telvanni Archmagister, allowing him/her to gain more political power and strengthen House Telvanni.

Usage Info

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Data path:
C:\games\OpenMWMods\GuildsFactions\RiseofHouseTelvanni\Base Mod
Usage Notes:

Download the main file and the Flask mesh update file. Extract the Flask mesh update file inside the Base Mod directory.

Note that this mod creates a conflict with any mod that wants the Mages Guild to exist if you choose to destroy the Mages Guild.

Content Plugin:
Rise of House Telvanni.esm
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