Improved Thrown Weapon Projectiles

How To Use This Page


Step #199 in the Total Overhaul WIP list


What is this button?

Makes thrown weapon projectiles fly pointy end forward and, some of them, spin in the air.
Download Link

Mod Installation/Setup Info

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Data paths:
C:\games\OpenMWMods\Weapons\ImprovedThrownWeaponProjectiles\Data Files
Usage Notes:

Download both the main Improved Thrown Weapon Projectiles file, and also the optional Glass Throwables patch for Glass Glowset file. Extract the Data Files and Patches folders from the main file into the mod's root data path. Extract the .nif files from the Patches folder into the meshes/w folder created by the folder deploy script. Extract the contents of the Glass Glowset file into the glass-glowset folder created by the folder deploy script.