OpenMW Containers Animated
Based on MW Containers Animated by qqqbbb. This mod adds open/close animation and sounds to all containers that should have animation.
Download Link
OpenMW Compatibility:
Mod Installation/Setup Info
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Data paths:
C:\games\OpenMWMods\ObjectsClutter\OpenMWContainersAnimated\Containers Animated
Usage Notes:
- OpenMW plays part of opening animation in the background, so you do not need to wait a half of second or more to open every container.
- This mod does not provide any scripts and does not alter any container records, ESM file just registers sound records.
- This mod can be used in any total conversion which uses Morrowind assets (such as Arktwend or Myar Aranath).
- Obviously this mod is not compatible with original mod by qqqbbb. Even if you will remove it, some already looted containers can remain opened. To workaround this issue, you can open and close such container again..
Content Plugin:
Containers Animated.esp
MOMW Metadata
Featured in Mod Lists: I Heart Vanilla (#18), I Heart Vanilla: Director's Cut (#24), Just Good Morrowind (#26), One Day Morrowind Modernization (#51), Graphics Overhaul (#122), Expanded Vanilla (#69), Total Overhaul (#143)
Alternative: Morrowind Containers Animated