Quill of Feyfolken - Scroll Enchanting

How To Use This Page

This is a scroll making mod that will make enchanting scrolls a viable option in Morrowind. Without this mod, enchanting scrolls is just as difficult as enchanting jewelry, but they can only be cast once. This makes enchanting scrolls pointless. The purpose of this mod is to counter these limitations.
Download Link
OpenMW Compatibility:

Mod Installation/Setup Info

Note: This page does not contain information specific to any mod list. In order to see mod list specific information use one of the mod list links listed below where it says "Featured in Mod Lists".

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Data path:
Usage Notes:

The original plugin does not fully work with OpenMW due to script errors. You will need a patch from Alvazir's Various Patches if you want to use the mod.

The plugin is dirty but will be auto-cleaned by Delta Plugin (click to expand/collapse):

$ tes3cmd clean 'Quill of Feyfolken 2.0.esp'

CLEANING: './Quill of Feyfolken 2.0.esp' ...
Loaded cached Master: /morrowind.esm
 Cleaned duplicate object instance (llirala sendas FRMR: 150564) from CELL: llirala's shack
 Cleaned duplicate object instance (de_r_chest_01_sanctus FRMR: 150559) from CELL: llirala's shack
 Cleaned redundant AMBI,WHGT from CELL: llirala's shack
Output saved in: './Clean_Quill of Feyfolken 2.0.esp'
Original unaltered: './Quill of Feyfolken 2.0.esp'

Cleaning Stats for './Quill of Feyfolken 2.0.esp':
       duplicate object instance:     2
             redundant CELL.AMBI:     1
             redundant CELL.WHGT:     1
Content Plugin:
Quill of Feyfolken 2.0.esp

MOMW Metadata

Last Updated: 2020-10-30

Category: Gameplay

Featured in Mod Lists: Expanded Vanilla (#261), Total Overhaul (#408)